Where do we come from?

About the history of company SAXONIA

A review and a look-out.

Saxonia Präzisionsmechanik GmbH originated in 2014 out of the take-over of company Bruker Saxonia Mechanik GmbH. It has been founded 2008 as an independent company from the parent company Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen.
SAXONIA looks back at more than 20 years tradition in the manufacture of lathed and milled parts. We expand our production area 2019 as well as the machinery in Taucha near Leipzig, in order to produce new product series in bigger dimensions and at higher tolerance. In cooperation with our customers, Saxonia sees itself as a result oriented Partner, who can offer more than a simple product. We are highly specialised for small-series production from 1 to 5000 pieces which a maximum size from 900 mm.

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